main.js win 的配置说明
win = new BrowserWindow({width: 800, height: 600,frame: false,icon: 'hello/window.png' })
frame: false 无边框
win.setThumbnailToolTip(toolTip) Windows
win.setIcon(icon) Windows Linux
icon NativeImage
Changes window icon.
,nativeImage} = require('electron')
let img = nativeImage.createFromPath('login/a.png')
new BrowserWindow([options])
width Integer - Window's width in pixels. Default is 800.
height Integer - Window's height in pixels. Default is 600.
x Integer (required if y is used) - Window's left offset from screen. Default is to center the window.
y Integer (required if x is used) - Window's top offset from screen. Default is to center the window.
useContentSize Boolean - The width and height would be used as web page's size, which means the actual window's size will include window frame's size and be slightly larger. Default is false.
center Boolean - Show window in the center of the screen.
minWidth Integer - Window's minimum width. Default is 0.
minHeight Integer - Window's minimum height. Default is 0.
maxWidth Integer - Window's maximum width. Default is no limit.
maxHeight Integer - Window's maximum height. Default is no limit.
resizable Boolean - Whether window is resizable. Default is true.
movable Boolean - Whether window is movable. This is not implemented on Linux. Default is true.
minimizable Boolean - Whether window is minimizable. This is not implemented on Linux. Default is true.
maximizable Boolean - Whether window is maximizable. This is not implemented on Linux. Default is true.
closable Boolean - Whether window is closable. This is not implemented on Linux. Default is true.
focusable Boolean - Whether the window can be focused. Default is true. On Windows setting focusable: false also implies setting skipTaskbar: true. On Linux setting focusable: false makes the window stop interacting with wm, so the window will always stay on top in all workspaces.
alwaysOnTop Boolean - Whether the window should always stay on top of other windows. Default is false.
fullscreen Boolean - Whether the window should show in fullscreen. When explicitly set to false the fullscreen button will be hidden or disabled on macOS. Default is false.
fullscreenable Boolean - Whether the window can be put into fullscreen mode. On macOS, also whether the maximize/zoom button should toggle full screen mode or maximize window. Default is true.
skipTaskbar Boolean - Whether to show the window in taskbar. Default is false.
kiosk Boolean - The kiosk mode. Default is false.
title String - Default window title. Default is "Electron".
icon NativeImage - The window icon. On Windows it is recommended to use ICO icons to get best visual effects, you can also leave it undefined so the executable's icon will be used.
show Boolean - Whether window should be shown when created. Default is true.
frame Boolean - Specify false to create a Frameless Window. Default is true.
parent BrowserWindow - Specify parent window. Default is null.
modal Boolean - Whether this is a modal window. This only works when the window is a child window. Default is false.
acceptFirstMouse Boolean - Whether the web view accepts a single mouse-down event that simultaneously activates the window. Default is false.
disableAutoHideCursor Boolean - Whether to hide cursor when typing. Default is false.
autoHideMenuBar Boolean - Auto hide the menu bar unless the Alt key is pressed. Default is false.
enableLargerThanScreen Boolean - Enable the window to be resized larger than screen. Default is false.
backgroundColor String - Window's background color as Hexadecimal value, like #66CD00 or #FFF or #80FFFFFF (alpha is supported). Default is #FFF (white).
hasShadow Boolean - Whether window should have a shadow. This is only implemented on macOS. Default is true.
darkTheme Boolean - Forces using dark theme for the window, only works on some GTK+3 desktop environments. Default is false.
transparent Boolean - Makes the window transparent. Default is false.
type String - The type of window, default is normal window. See more about this below.
titleBarStyle String - The style of window title bar. See more about this below.
thickFrame Boolean - Use WS_THICKFRAME style for frameless windows on Windows, which adds standard window frame. Setting it to false will remove window shadow and window animations. Default is true.
webPreferences Object - Settings of web page's features. See more about this below.
Possible values of the titleBarStyle option are:
default or not specified, results in the standard gray opaque Mac title bar.
hidden results in a hidden title bar and a full size content window, yet the title bar still has the standard window controls ("traffic lights") in the top left.
hidden-inset results in a hidden title bar with an alternative look where the traffic light buttons are slightly more inset from the window edge. It is not supported on macOS 10.9 Mavericks, where it falls back to hidden.
The webPreferences option is an object that can have the following properties:
nodeIntegration Boolean - Whether node integration is enabled. Default is true.
preload String - Specifies a script that will be loaded before other scripts run in the page. This script will always have access to node APIs no matter whether node integration is turned on or off. The value should be the absolute file path to the script. When node integration is turned off, the preload script can reintroduce Node global symbols back to the global scope. See example here.
session Session - Sets the session used by the page. Instead of passing the Session object directly, you can also choose to use the partition option instead, which accepts a partition string. When both session and partition are provided, session will be preferred. Default is the default session.
partition String - Sets the session used by the page according to the session's partition string. If partition starts with persist:, the page will use a persistent session available to all pages in the app with the same partition. If there is no persist: prefix, the page will use an in-memory session. By assigning the same partition, multiple pages can share the same session. Default is the default session.
zoomFactor Number - The default zoom factor of the page, 3.0 represents 300%. Default is 1.0.
javascript Boolean - Enables JavaScript support. Default is true.
webSecurity Boolean - When false, it will disable the same-origin policy (usually using testing websites by people), and set allowDisplayingInsecureContent and allowRunningInsecureContent to true if these two options are not set by user. Default is true.
allowDisplayingInsecureContent Boolean - Allow an https page to display content like images from http URLs. Default is false.
allowRunningInsecureContent Boolean - Allow an https page to run JavaScript, CSS or plugins from http URLs. Default is false.
images Boolean - Enables image support. Default is true.
textAreasAreResizable Boolean - Make TextArea elements resizable. Default is true.
webgl Boolean - Enables WebGL support. Default is true.
webaudio Boolean - Enables WebAudio support. Default is true.
plugins Boolean - Whether plugins should be enabled. Default is false.
experimentalFeatures Boolean - Enables Chromium's experimental features. Default is false.
experimentalCanvasFeatures Boolean - Enables Chromium's experimental canvas features. Default is false.
scrollBounce Boolean - Enables scroll bounce (rubber banding) effect on macOS. Default is false.
blinkFeatures String - A list of feature strings separated by ,, like CSSVariables,KeyboardEventKey to enable. The full list of supported feature strings can be found in the file.
disableBlinkFeatures String - A list of feature strings separated by ,, like CSSVariables,KeyboardEventKey to disable. The full list of supported feature strings can be found in the file.
defaultFontFamily Object - Sets the default font for the font-family.
standard String - Defaults to Times New Roman.
serif String - Defaults to Times New Roman.
sansSerif String - Defaults to Arial.
monospace String - Defaults to Courier New.
defaultFontSize Integer - Defaults to 16.
defaultMonospaceFontSize Integer - Defaults to 13.
minimumFontSize Integer - Defaults to 0.
defaultEncoding String - Defaults to ISO-8859-1.
backgroundThrottling Boolean - Whether to throttle animations and timers when the page becomes background. Defaults to true.
offscreen Boolean - Whether to enable offscreen rendering for the browser window. Defaults to false.